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Missed Text Reminder

Do you hate it when you are away from your phone or in a loud place and miss a text message? This app will keep notifying you when you have a new unread text message so you don't miss it. It is customizable to notify as often or as long as you want. The default settings will notify you every 5 minutes.

How it works:
- When you get a text message, this app will wait 5 minutes (or whatever value you set in the Reminder Frequency setting).
- If the text message is still unread it will play your default notification vibration and vibration sound to notify you again that you have an unread text message.
- This will repeat every 5 minutes (or value set in reminder frequency) until 60 minutes have passed since the last text received (or the value you set in the Reminder Duration setting).
- The reminder notification will automatically go away at the next reminder frequency after you have read the text message.

Additional Features:
- Quiet Times: You can set a time of day where you will not be notified. For example, you may not want to be reminded between 10pm and 6am when you are sleeping.
- Reminder Sound: You can choose your notification sound.
Revision History Version 1.3: Mar 20, 2012 - Added Quiet Time + changing reminder sound options.
Version 1.2: Oct 27, 2011 - Added new optional button to mark all messages as unread. Also added new optional setting to not sound reminders when on a call.
Version 1.1: July 17, 2011 - Bug fix corrected that caused it to not work on certain phones.
Version 1.0: June 3, 2011 - Initial Version
Price Download from Google Play (formerly Android Market) for $0.99 US